Austin Locks

Locksmiths Tips!

How To Prevent Lock Bumping

Posted by on Feb 4, 2016

How To Prevent Lock Bumping

What is Lock Bumping? Lock Bumping is a technique of picking a lock cylinder through the use of a specially cut key and a hammer or other striking device. The would be burglar inserts the key into the lock cylinder and then by using a significant amount of dexterity and skill he hits the bow of the key until it essentially picks all of the tumblers and he gains access.

Lock bumping creates a significant amount of noise for the perpetrator must repeatedly hit the bow of the key which is inserted into the lock mounted to the door. Thus, every time that the key is struck the sound reverberates throughout the house or building. Let’s face it, if the burglar is not concerned about making a raucous, then it would be both faster and easier just to pick up a rock and break a window.

Second, lock bumping is a lock picking technique thus it does take some amount of skill and practice to do it efficiently. If someone is motivated to pick locks by the use of a bump key they may as well just learn traditional picking techniques. In fact, do to the amount of noise that bumping produces it would be more prudent for a burglar to pick the lock, not bump it.

Lock bumping is a popular technique that you can use to open your lock if you lost your house keys. Here you need to insert a cut key into the lock and then bump it using a mallet or screwdriver. Doing this forces the pins in the lock to turn which results in an opening of the door.

Since it’s easy to access the bump core and the technique doesn’t require special skill, burglars usually use it to get access to your house. Due to the threat, it’s wise that you stop lock bumping in your house. Here are some of the ways in which you can stop hitting from taking place, thanks to the guys at

Invest In a High-End Lock

SamsungMany people use cylinder locks which are very easy to bump. To keep your home safe, you should invest in a high-quality lock. High-end locks usually use complex locking mechanisms which make it tough for pumping to take place. One of the best locks that you should consider investing in is a slide-bolt lock.

Modify the Existing Locks

If you don’t have money to invest in new locks, you should ask a locksmith to help you in modifying the existing locks. Here you need to add additional pins into the locks. While this won’t make the locks immune to lock bumping, it makes the process more difficult which will repel most burglars.

Install a Home Security System

These are systems that detect when the door is opened. When the door is opened, the system will set off an alarm. In other cases, the system will let you or security authorities know that someone has accessed your building.

Add Chain Latches

If you don’t have the latches already, you should consider installing them. While the locks won’t affect the susceptibility of the lock to bumping, they add barrier which makes it hard for the thief to access your house.

Get a Dog

Guard DoggBurglars like doing their work unnoticed; therefore, when you have a dog, they will be afraid of getting into your house as they will be scared of the dog’s bark.

These are some of the ways in which you can prevent your locks from getting bumped. To ensure that you are safe if a thief accesses your home, you should review the insurance policy of your home and ensure that you will be covered in case of burglary.