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Locksmiths Tips!

Types of File Cabinet Locks

Posted by on Feb 4, 2016

Types of File Cabinet Locks

File cabinets locks are installed in offices and residents where there are needs to protect valuable files and documents. There is two type of file cabinet locks, i.e. key-based cabinet lock and an advanced keyless technology that uses coded locking mechanism. Thanks to the guys at Cherry Hills Village Locksmith for all the useful information.


The key based file cabinet locks

There are basically two main types of key-based file cabinet locks;

  • Pin Tumblers Key lock
  • Tubular tumble

The most simple and popular key based file cabinet lock is the pin tumbler. The pin tumbler is a cylindrical lock that uses stacks of pins of varying lengths to prevent the locking mechanism from working without the correct key.


cabinet lockThe tubular tumble also known as the Ace lock, or radial lock features a variety is pins arranged in a circular pattern, and the corresponding key is cylindrical in shape. These keys are generally considered to be safer and more resilient to many people, but they can actually be drilled without effort and in very little time they can crack. There are some brands however who have advanced their Tubular tumble locks by hardening them and making them impossible to be broken.


Another type of lock is cam lock, and nearly all cabinet are supplied with basic cam lock. Thay hooks the cabinet into place on its interior side of its door. These locks are operated with tiny keys and constitute the simplest of the lock fastening.


The key based file cabinet locks are mostly used and preferred because they virtually add no cost to the overall price of the cabinet. The problem with them is the potential increased risk of security and liabilities, leading to extra costs and the annoyance that these locks lead to, which is why millions of people around the world are opting to go for the keyless cabinet locks.


The keyless cabinet Locks.

Keyless Cabinet LockThe keyless cabinet locks use access control mechanism and electronic locking mechanism which makes it beneficial to people who tend to lose keys. They come in various sizes types and with different levels of sophistications but all in all, they are able to provide better control and high security as compared to keylock file cabinet locks since they streamline the process for accessing the cabinet and serves well against thefts. An access control code is given to the user, and he or she access the cabinet via a computer.They can also be accessed using a radio transmitter and even be operated manually in case of emergency if the transmitter is lost.


Other types of keyless based file cabinet lock use a coded locking mechanism with two different password combination for two users. They come with a keypad monitoring the date as times when the file cabinet was accessed. You will also find some other keyless cabinet locks Powered by cameras all tailored to provide security for your files and documents.


When choosing the file cabinet locks to use it is important to go for the best that suits your desired level of security, the usability, your budget and of course from a reputable brand. The best and the only way to ensure you get the best is by involving a locksmith when installing your file cabinet locks.

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