Austin Locks

Locksmiths Tips!

Are Car Keys Cheaper Using A Locksmith?

Posted by on Dec 3, 2015

Are Car Keys Cheaper Using A Locksmith?

Are the car keys cheaper using a locksmith? Absolutely, but that will depend on the make and the model of your vehicle. If you, by any chance get locked out of your vehicle, Locksmith is an alternative to being gouged’ by a dealer. Below is a rundown of what you expect in the way of the cost if you have to repair your car key or replace one along with other alternatives that can help you cut down your bill. Special thanks to the experienced locksmith experts from


  1. Basic keys

basic car keyBasic car keys, which are commonly seen on 1990’s models, have no security features are easy to cut. It is also very easy to copy these kinds of keys, and a locksmith does not need such advanced equipment, he can use the machine that he uses to cut other keys. A basic key will cost no more than $3 on average in a locksmith store though that will also depend on the model of your car. If you go the dealership you will probably spend more than $ 12 on average of the same, the only major difference is that you will get an automaker’s branding on the key, all in all, it much cheaper at a locksmith store.


On the modern cars, a remote or a transmitter can cost as much as $90 on average at the dealership again, that will depend on the automaker or the complexity of the design. These transmitters need to be programmed, and you might expect to pay for the same. Some dealership can offer this service for free, but some will charge you per hour on the labor. If you go to a locksmith, there are a more likely chance that you will be able to save some few bucks on the same, because they usually have what we call aftermarket fobs. The quality of aftermarket transmitter may vary, but it a cheaper alternative if you lose yours.


  1. The transponder keys

Most of the keys you will find out there contain transponder chips that are usually placed in the plastic head of your key. This chip emits a signal to the receiver in the ignition, so if you put the wrong key, then the receiver will detect a wrong signal and the vehicle won’t start. Some dealership has machines that are able to program the key, because, unlike the basic key, transponder key has to be programmed before it can start the car. If the dealer has the equipment necessary, they will probably charge per hour of labor. The average you expect to pay for the same in a dealership is $ 160. If the transponder key and the fob are in the one unit, you will expect to pay more for the same. If you go to any locksmith, you will be able to save few bucks, maybe $ 20-40.

You also have an added advantage if you go to a locksmith especially if you are that kind of person who frequently loses keys. A locksmith will be able to cut an emergency’ key for you, and all you need is to follow the procedure of programming usually found in the owner’s manual.


  1. Laser-cut keys

Laser-cut keys are very high-security keys and very hard to duplicate. The machine used to cut these keys is expensive and may not be available to many locksmiths. Some locksmith, however, has special machines that help originate, duplicate and even program these keys. If you go to a dealership, you are most likely going to pay more than $200 including labor. If you go to any locksmith, you will pay much less than that.

  1. Switchblade keys.

Switchblade keySwitchblade keys are no different from other keys mentioned above. The only difference is just the appearance. They are designed to fold away inside the fob when not in use. Switchblade keys component can be purchased separately which is an advantage if your key is damaged. If lost, you will have to buy all the components that can cost up to $ 300 at the dealership if not more, and much less at a locksmith. This cost may factor in the programming of both the shank and the fob in which it folds.


Locksmiths are not only a cheaper option but a convenient one. They have the expertise needed to program or cut your key, and they can even advise you how you can be able to it yourself. Replacing your car keys whether lost or damaged at a dealership, is definitely going to cost more considering that you will have to arrange to get your vehicle to them. The other cheapest venue is a hardware store, but they may not be able to program your key for you if it has a transponder chip or a laser cut key.